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Conseils pour repeindre son vélo efficacement
What I know about Italy
Un peu de vélo sur le périphérique parisien à l'occasion de la nuit blanche 2019
Vélo + taf = vélotaf <3
A Short Essay
Following the recent publication of A Conspiracy To Kill IE6, we at Doctolib thought we’d in turn unveil our plan to stop supporting not only Internet Explorer 11 but also other outdated desktop…
Customizing my bike
Stuff about music
Who I think a good manager should be
Doctolib has been growing rapidly over the past 5 years, as has our code base. We have been able to deliver numerous features in a timely manner, but oftentimes at the expense of code legibility and…
What I know about Spain
Sparkles of hope
Divers éléments de vérité sur l'état de l'air que nous respirons, notamment à Paris
I just bought a bike. Here's to a whole new life!
My daily routine to focus and remain productive