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Some tips and useful things to know about health insurance companies in Germany
How to make the most out of winter in Berlin
Some links on life hacks
Tutorial about how I motorized my IKEA Starska standing desk
What each country does better than the other
Une vidéo tuto sur la pose de carrelage, réalisée lors de la rénovation de ma cuisine
Some tips and tricks about buying real estate in Berlin
Educational videos on various topics
A Short Essay
Stuff about music
Sparkles of hope
How to live a happy life
How to disable your voicemail
How to purify air using houseplants... or how to pretend you breath purified air.
An inspirational video about millennials
My advice for apartment seekers in Paris
Weird emotions
Why fasting is good for you
6 laws about time
Everything one needs to know before applying for a visa in the US
Two days spent skiing in the US!
My life in the USA since I moved there in January 2017.
Thoughts about politics
How to write reports, CVs, cover letter, the proper way, with the most perfectly suited tool, LaTeX.
Resources about machine learning and AI
What alternatives do we have to Android and iOS? How to install Firefox OS and Ubuntu for devices.
Some piece of advice about how to give good presentations
A few tips for Software Engineers and a brief sum-up about an excellent talk from Quentin Adam