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Documentaries To Watch

Educational videos on various topics

🕒 1 min read

Category: Miscellaneous

Tags: documentaries, videos, education

Homos en France

Seen on France 2.

Life-changing documentary, that will change your views and opinions on the matter. Must watch, for anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Mark Cavendish: Never Enough

See on Netflix.

Dare I say the best professional road cycling documentary ever? Probably.

Antivax - Les Marchands de doute

Seen on Arte.

Covid-19, la course aux vaccins

Seen on Arte.

L'homeopathie - Médecine douce ou imposture

Seen on Arte.

Nucléaire - une énergie qui dérange

Vers des transports durables - Des métropoles en mouvement

Nucléaire : une solution pour la planète ?

This video is heavily criticized here.

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