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Living In Paris: Air Purifying Houseplants

How to purify air using houseplants... or how to pretend you breath purified air.

🕒 3 min read

Category: Miscellaneous

Tags: plants, air

Recently, I moved into my new apartment, in one of the most polluted cities on Earth, Paris. Therefore I decided I needed houseplants to clean the air. What an idea! Is it bullshit? Does it actually work? Who cares?! As long as it makes my apartment look cool!

Consequently, I started googling about evergreen houseplants that clean the air. I ended up buying the following plants:


Aglaonema Silver Bay
Aglaonema Silver Bay, the big one on the left.


Between 15°C and 25°C. Cannot tolerate below 13.


300 lux, half shadow, must get sun light a few hours per day (no direct sunlignt though).


Soil should be kept moist at all times. Don't allow it to dry otherwise it can cause leaves to drop. In summer, water twice a week. In winter, once. Don't leave standing water in the saucer.


Repotting is from March to May, every 2 to 3 years. For an old Aglaonema, just replace the upper layer of the soil, do not repot.

Complementary information

Leaves and fruits are toxic for humans and pets.

Dracaena Marginata


Between 15°C and 22°C. Avoid below 15 (won't grow otherwise). Below 10 could damage it. Best between 20 and 22.


500 lux, quite a log of light. Avoid too much direct sun light. It does not like absence of light.


Soil must remain hardly moist. Once a week in Summer, twice a month in Winter. Mist the leaves twice a week also, if possible.


Repotting is from March to May, every 2 to 3 years. Every other year, replace the upper layer of the soil, do not repot.


Dracaena, Dieffenbachia Spathiphyllum and Anthurium
From left to right: Dracaena Marginata, Dieffenbachia, Spathiphyllum and Anthurium


Between 15°C and 25°C. Below 10 could damage it seriously. Best between 20 and 22.


A significant amount (300 lux at least) but no direct sun though. Dim light is OK.


Once a week, a lot. Don't leave standing water! Reduce the amount of water in winter.


In March, every two to three years. When not repotting, replace the upper layer of the soil.

Complementary information

Avoid dry air as well as fresh air flows. Keep it away from heaters.

To foster blossoming, deprive the plant of water for a few days.




10 to 20°C. Don't go below 5.


A lot! 600 lux at least. No direct sun light.


Once a week, twice if the environment is quite hot or luminous. Don't leave standing water. The plant likes moisture. Reduce watering in winter.


Every year in March or April, in a slightly bigger pot.

Complementary information

If possible, use good quality soil.

Also, cut off dead parts of leaves (not the whole leaf).



18°C to 24°C in Summer and 15 to 18 in Winter. Keep away from heaters, the plant likes moisture. Keep away from air flows.


A significant amount but no direct light.


Once a week. Don't leave standing water. Reduce watering in Winter.


Every other year in March or April, in a bigger pot.

Complementary information

Leaves are poisonous.

Hope this helps, folks!
