In many scenarios, calls are forwarded to your voicemail. You may want to disable it, or re-enable it.
1. You are not picking up the phone (no reply)
- Enable forwarding: call **61*(number to forward to)**(seconds to wait before forwarding)# - note that your phone will ring as long as your caller is on hold
- Disable it and retain: call #61#
- Disable it and forget: call ##61#
- Reestablish: *61#
- Check status: call *#61#
2. You are unreachable (plane mode, phone turned off, no connectivity)
- Enable forwarding: call **62*(number to forward to)#
- Disable it and retain: call #62#
- Disable it and forget: call ##62#
- Reestablish: *62#
- Check status: call *#62#
3. You are already on the phone (busy)
- Enable forwarding: call **67*(number to forward to)#
- Disable it and retain: call #67#
- Disable it and forget: call ##67#
- Reestablish: *67#
- Check status: *#67#
4. All three conditions above
- Enable forwarding: call **004*(number to forward to)#
- Disable it and retain: call #004#
- Disable it and forget: call ##004#
- Reestablish: *004#
- Check status: *#004#
5. You are free, forward all incoming calls
- Enable forwarding: call **21*(number to forward to)#
- Disable it and retain: call #21#
- Disable it and forget: call ##21#
- Reestablish: *21#
- Check status: *#21#
6. All four conditions above
- Enable forwarding: call **002*(number to forward to)#
- Disable it and retain: call #002#
- Disable it and forget: call ##002#
- Reestablish: *002#
- Check status: *#002#
7. Call waiting: make your phone ring for new incoming phones even if you are alreay on the phone
- Enable call waiting: call *43#
- Disable it: call #43#
- Check status: *#43#
Complementary information
In France, for mobile network provider 'Free mobile', the voicemail phone number is: 06 95 60 00 11.
More GSM codes here and here.
To call someone anonymously, type: #31#(the number you are calling). To show your identity, type: *31#(the number you are calling).