France is better at...
- Pensions are much higher (2/3 of your last payrol in France on average, compared to 1/3 in Germany)
- Healthcare system: although comparable, in Germany one has to pay out of their own pocket for healthcare insurance when unemployed. Also, the whole public/private insurances make doctors more business men than heathcare professional sometimes. For example it's easier to get an appointment at an earlier date, or easier to get an appointment at a doctor never visited before if you are privately insured.
- Worked hours: typically 40 hours in Germany. In France, the legal workweek is 35 hours, but most people work more and get paid for these extra hours.
- Paid vacation: minimum 20 days in Germany by law, vs 25 in France
- Trains: although the SNCF is far from perfect, its trains are by an order of magniture more punctual (1, 2)
Germany is better at...
- Public holidays: overall, it's comparable to France. However, some specific days are particulariy appreciated: half of December 24, December 26, and half of December 31 are holidays in Germany
- Safety: big cities are much safer
- Cycling: cyclists are respected by drivers. Also, cycling lanes are found everywhere outside of cities.
- Saunas: the German sauna culture is simply the best in the world! Aufguss ❤️