Posts tagged 'germany'

  1. Healthcare Insurances In Germany

    Some tips and useful things to know about health insurance companies in Germany

  2. My Recipe To Survive Winter In Berlin

    How to make the most out of winter in Berlin

  3. Traveling Outside Europe as a Resident in Germany

    Things to know and do before traveling outside Europe

  4. France vs Germany

    What each country does better than the other

  5. Living in Germany: From Berlin to Brocken Over a Weekend

    Tips for cyclists willing to go to Brocken in the Harz from Berlin

  6. Living in Germany: How to buy an apartment in Berlin

    Some tips and tricks about buying real estate in Berlin

  7. Living in Germany: Things To Do In Berlin

    The ultimate travel guide for Berlin

  8. Living in Germany: Fahrräder und Deutsche Bahn

    Things to know if you intend to carry your dismantled bike on a Deutsche Bahn train

  9. Living in Germany: A Doctoliber's Journey To Berlin

    About my professional relocation

  10. Living in Germany: Moving To Berlin

    Everything one has to go through when relocating to Berlin -- alternatve title: All the shit I went trough

  11. Germany

    What I know about Germany