Browse articles by month: February (3), April (1), May (2), June (3), July (3), August (4), September (2), October (2), November (3), December (1)
How to make the most out of winter in Berlin
An update to an article from 2019
Change is hard to accept sometimes. My views on the topic.
Tout sur le déroulé de mon premier marathon
A list of barefoot shoes to consider
Something new, yay!
I'm switching from Kdenlive to DaVinci Resolve, here's why and a few tips
Allez encore une autre blessure... que j'aurais pu éviter bien sûr
A bunch of calculators for runners
Recommendations about Canada and places to visit
Une course de vélo qui finit en DNF
Building my own plan is the best way to learn
Traveling abroad? Need the Internet?
All about the equivalent of Apple's airtags for Android
Cheatsheet for beginners - such as myself!
Après l'édition 2021 sur la jambe gauche, voici l'édition 2024 sur la jambe droite
Travel tips for Croatia
My checklist of things to take for a triathlon
Things to know and do before traveling outside Europe
Epic tales from my running races
Résumé des 4 dernières années, de "j'aime pas courir" à "sign me up for a marathon"
Des vidéos sur la maison individuelle
Dieses Jahr ist mein Jahr
My tips to make the best sports video