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TV Sucks

What I think of television

🕒 2 min read

Category: What's bad about

Tags: television

Ads. I hate ads. And TV broadcasts a shit ton of commercials.

Worse, TV channels speed up TV shows and movies. What for? Ads again. The French do it, and the Americans as well. As a result, movies are shortened and constantly interrupted by commercials.



Still unconvinced? Most companies operating radio and television are biased. By "most" I mean 99% of them. They are not objective at all, often influenced by political parties.

I could also add, without going too much into detail, that:

Now that you know the truth, help me boycott television. Even though a few shows are worth your time, you can watch them online after their broadcast for free. This article, written in French, sums up quite well my thoughts regarding television.