Romain Pellerin

Photo of Romain Photo of Romain

I am a Software Engineer living in Berlin, Germany with a strong interest in front-end development.

Apart from computers, I am an avid cyclist and I love practicing foreign languages (hence me living abroad). Speaking of which, I am fluent in French and English. I used to know some Spanish. I recently picked German up.

I am a huge fan of comic books, The Walking Dead being my all-time favorite. I also read novels, mostly sci-fi. Besides all that, I occasionally play the guitar.

I write blog posts on this very website not only about computer science but also broader topics such as the environment, bikes or travels. There are RSS and Atom feeds that you can subscribe to. I usually write a few times a year. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Download my resume (PDF).




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Latest articles

  1. Farewell Kdenlive, Hello DaVinci Resolve. And colors explained.

    I've been a long time fan of Kdenlive, but now has come a time for change. Kdenlive is great but it's got limitations. Transitions are pretty basic, for example. Also, 10-Bit and/or HDR is not (fully) supported. Overall, the program is not as polished as a professional-grade one. That's why I decided to change and find a better video editing...

  2. 10 kms et Entorse de la cheville

    Et bien voilà, deuxième grosse blessure de 2024. Après une périostite tenace, qui aura duré de début avril à fin août (il y a quelques semaines donc!), me voilà avec une nouvelle blessure à la jambe droite (encore!) : entorse de la cheville. Dimanche il y a 9 jours, le 8 Septembre donc, je participais à une course de 10 kms, le Tierparklauf de...

  3. Running Calculators

    const matchPaceFormatWithColon = v => v && v.match(/^(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})$/); const matchPaceFormatWithQuotes = v => v && v.match(/^(\d{1,2})'(\d{2})"$/); const paceToSeconds = (v, separator = 'COLON') => { const [, minutes, seconds] = separator === 'COLON' ? matchPaceFormatWithColon(v) : matchPaceFormatWithQuotes(v) return Number(minutes) * 60 +...

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I operate by Crocker's Rules. You can contact me on any of the above-mentioned websites, or using the following email address:

Should you decide to reach out, please don't say just hi and don't ask to ask :).