Romain Pellerin

Photo of Romain Photo of Romain

I am a Software Engineer living in Berlin, Germany with a strong interest in front-end development.

Apart from computers, I am an avid cyclist, runner, and I secretly hope that someday I'll enjoy swimming. I do enjoy getting out of my confort zone and trying new things out (hence me living abroad).

I am a huge fan of comic books, The Walking Dead being my all-time favorite. I also read novels, mostly sci-fi. Besides all that, I occasionally play the guitar.

I write blog posts on this very website not only about computer science but also broader topics such as the environment, bikes or travels. There are RSS and Atom feeds that you can subscribe to. I usually write a few times a year. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Download my resume (PDF).



Cycling & Running

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Latest articles

  1. On Accepting Change At Work

    I just needed to write some thoughts "down" as a reminder for myself in the future. Accepting change is hard. Crazy hard. It's so easy to pick a side and remain stubborn about it. Look at politics for instance. But the thing is, most things are not binary. There is a scale of options or opinions that are possible, not just two. Like a former...

  2. Mon premier marathon : récit d'une course parfaite

    ÇA Y EST JE L'AI FAIT ! Marathonien ! Dingue, je réalise toujours pas. Après des mois de préparation, plusieurs blessures et plusieurs articles de blog, c'est fait ! Qui plus est, j'ai atteint mon objectif : moins de 3 heures 30 ! Allez, je vous raconte. Motivation Tout commence réellement il y a un an et demi. Un ami d'enfance (coucou Robin !)...

  3. Barefoot Shoes

    Tiny article here to say that I'm buying barefoot shoes (a.k.a minimalist shoes) for everyday use! Why? To strength my feet while walking, apparently on the long term these shoes help prevent running injuries. I'll start rotating my shoes, between my classic sneakers and these new barefoot shoes. Running-wise, I'll stick to big cushioned shoes...

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I operate by Crocker's Rules. You can contact me on any of the above-mentioned websites, or using the following email address:

Should you decide to reach out, please don't say just hi and don't ask to ask :).